Polymer modified asphalts by the PN-EN 14023:201 standard
1. PMB 25/55-60 – in accordance with WT-2 modified asphalt PMB 25/55-60 to be applied for the production of mineral-asphalt mixtures allocated for the construction of the binding layer and sub-base.
2. PMB 45/80-55 – in accordance with WT-2 modified asphalt PMB 45/80-55 to be applied for the production of mineral-asphalt mixtures allocated for the construction of abrasive layer.
3. PMB 45/80-65 – in accordance with WT-2 modified asphalt PMB 45/80-65 to be applied for the production of the mineral-asphalt mixtures intended for the construction of abrasive layer with increased requirements (e.g. special facilities).
Card of characteristics
Certyfikat ZKP
Declarations of utility properties:
Deklaracja 45 80 65 Deklaracja 45 80 55 Deklaracja 25-55-60